In 2016, THS was able to collaborate with the producers of PBS’ Frontline series on a documentary entitled “Chasing Heroin.” Many of the people featured in the documentary are THS patients. The documentary also outlines how over-prescription of opioids led to the current national epidemic. This vivid and compelling film shows the despair of heroin users and how Seattle-based agencies and community members are working to serve these people in need.
Medication-Assisted Treatment (Methadone, Suboxone®)
As seen in the document, Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) is a form of treatment used to address opioid use and help an individual to stop using opioids. Patients in the MAT program at THS receive services towards wellness and prevention. These services include assessments, medical evaluations, medication management, case management, and individual and group counseling. THS uses both Methadone and Suboxone® as well as Vivitrol® in medication-assisted treatment. To connect to MAT and opioid use treatment, visit our MAT Get Help form here.
King County Drug Court
Featured prominently in this documentary, King County Drug Court is one of THS’ flagship programs. Operating as a partnership with King County, Drug Court is unique in that it depends upon a non-adversarial courtroom atmosphere. The judge and a team of people including prosecutors, defense attorneys, probation officers, case managers and THS treatment staff work together toward the common goal of breaking the cycle of drug abuse and criminal behavior.