Youth & Family Services
Therapeutic Health Services provides a wide range of treatment, counseling, outreach and case management programs serving at-risk, low-income children, youth, young adults and their families. Building on 40 years of experience providing substance use and mental health treatment to adults in the Puget Sound area, THS has expertise working with a richly diverse youth population. Our unique “wraparound” approach engages everyone in a young person’s life: parents, family members, teachers and friends who help build a network of support encouraging success.
Healing and Recovery for Young People and Their Families
Being a young person offers a lot of challenges; the stress of school, relationships, fast-changing emotions, and all the pressures of entering adulthood. At THS, we get it. We understand that every youth requires support that meets them where they are, whether they’re facing mental health or substance use challenges, or they need help in school, improving their relationships with peers and family, reducing involvement in the juvenile justice system or finding stable housing. THS is here and ready to help.

Program Features
Recovery Starts With An Assessment
Every new patient at THS takes time with a counselor to explore the challenges they’re facing and how we can support the recovery process. The assessment shapes an individualized treatment plan outlining the patient’s health goals. Treatment plans play to the patient’s unique needs and strengths, while helping the individual in recovery to build on their own resiliency.
Watch the video to learn about taking the First Step to Recovery.
The mental health program helped my daughter a lot. It really helped her develop a new way of looking at the world and create a healthy new future.
This program helped me stop my drug use before it got out of hand. I’m sure where I would have ended up without this program, but I’m so grateful it was here.
Youth Services
Youth Mental Health
Providing compassionate counseling and accessible mental health services to youth and young adults.
Youth Substance Use
Helping young people move past substance use to create healthy mindsets and a path to wellness.
Queer Youth
Helping LGBTQIA+ youth feel safe and seen with the support of queer therapists who understand their struggles.
Integrated Cognitive Therapies Program
An innovative program that brings together mental health counseling and substance use therapy in one room.
Outreach & Youth Development
Reaching youth and young adults where they are and working with them to develop pathways to success.
Wraparound With Intensive Services (WISe)
A unique and impactful program that brings together a team of caring adults to give participants the support they need.
Multisystemic Therapy
Multisystemic Therapy provides intensive family/home-based intervention services for youth with complex emotional, social and academic needs.