Outreach & Youth Development
THS strives to connect youth and young adults to support that meets them where they are and shows them a path toward where they want to be. Whether that’s linking them to mental health and substance use treatment or providing opportunities for pro-social skill development, we’re here to connect and develop.
THS Staff typically practice “nontraditional” methods of counseling, i.e., it is not uncommon for staff to have individual sessions in a park or on a basketball court in school just as often as in their offices. Many youth in treatment have had prior, unsuccessful encounters with systems and they may have a myriad of trust issues. Which is why THS Staff do their best to engage them in a variety of settings and not solely in the traditional, in-office, behind the desk individual or group session.
We’re working with students in grades 6-12, educating them, giving them the skills they need to be successful, not just in school but in everyday life and as they move forward in life.
There was a large educational benefit, but I think for me I really appreciated being able to create relationships and better the relationships I had with other program students