Be You. Be Proud. Celebrate You.

We know it can be lonely when you’re seeking your authentic self. Especially when those closest to you don’t understand what you’re going through.

The world is changing rapidly all around us and that can feel overwhelming. It’s easy to feel unseen and sometimes unsafe. We’re here for you on your journey of self-discovery.

Our queer therapists understand where you are, because they’ve been there themselves. Their clinical and lived experience helps them create a space where therapy can be safe and supportive. We’re here to help you through the tough parts, as well as the terrific parts of claiming who you are and living authentically.

Getting connected to care is easy: call our Get Help Line at 1-833-278-HELP or fill out a Get Help Form. Make sure to indicate if you have a preference for a queer provider.

If you are age 13 or older and prefer to make independent decisions about your behavioral health (without your parents or guardians being involved), we have options that will cover the cost of treatment and support.

If you are in crisis, thinking about suicide or self-harm, please call 911 immediately. You can also call the King County Crisis Line at 206-461-3222 or 1-866-4CRISIS (1-866-427-4747). In Snohomish County, please call 211 or the Care Crisis Line at 1-800-584-3578 to get help.

Click on the buttons below to learn about resources for various Youth & LGBTQIA+ issues:

Resources & Programs

TeenLink is a King County program that empowers youth to make positive and self-respecting decisions about their lives and provides resources and assistance to help them. Teen Link includes a statewide teen-answered helpline every evening between 6-10 PM at 1-866-833-6546, online chat support every evening between 6-9:30 pm, youth suicide prevention training, community outreach, and education, as well as distribution of their free Where to Turn for Teens resource guides.

24-Hour Crisis Line provides immediate help to individuals, families, and friends of people in emotional crisis. We can help you determine if you or your loved one needs professional consultation and we can link you to the appropriate services. We are a primary source for linking Seattle-King County residents to emergency mental health services. Help is just a phone call away at 1-866-427-4747.

The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) young people ages 13-24. Trained counselors are available 24/7 at 1-866-488-7386.

Trans Lifeline is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to the well-being of transgender people. They run a hotline staffed by transgender people for transgender people. Trans Lifeline volunteers are ready to respond to whatever support needs members of our community might have; just call 1-877-565-8860.

Safe Place is a national program that provides on-site case management and support to youth ages 12-17 to find a safe place to sleep, including transportation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. King and Snohomish counties have safe place programs that can collaborate if a minor is in Snohomish and needs to go to King, and vice versa. To find a Safe Place location near you, visit this site.

o Safe Place can also provide information and support to young adults (18+) or other agency staff over the phone, but cannot provide in-person or transportation services to adults 18+.

o Text “SAFE” and your current address/location to 4HELP (44357) for the nearest Safe Place site where you can wait safely for a Safe Place staffer or call 1-800-422-TEEN (8336)

New Horizons provides food, showers, laundry, case management, and medical services to youth ages 13-25, and shelter to youth ages 18-25.

ROOTS provides food, showers, laundry, clothing, case management, and shelter to youth ages 18-25.

YouthCare provides drop-in services and shelter for youth 12-24. Other services include meals, computers, showers, laundry, clothing, case management, and more.

Teen Feed provides dinners for teens in the University District, at different locations, seven days a week, along with other supportive services for homeless teens & youth.

YMCA Social Impact Center has Resources for individuals, families, schools, and partners including behavioral, mental, and emotional support for all ages; a safe place for all youth and young adults; foster care and family reunification; and support for youth and young adult development.

Seattle Hygiene and Bathroom Resource Map is compiled by the City of Seattle Human Services Department and includes resources within the City of Seattle.

• The A.S.H. Kit is a customized resource offered by I Support the Girls for female, trans, and non-binary youth with periods to access a variety of products including maturation supplies, underwear, chest binders, and more. Learn more and request your kit online.


Seattle Parks & Recreations programming for LGBTQ+ includes programming specifically for youth.

Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN) Washington State wants every student, in every school, to be valued and treated with respect, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. QueerCore is Gay City’s program for queer youth ages 16-22.

Reel Queer Youth is a video production and media literacy training for LGBTQ youth and their allies ages 13-20.

Diverse Harmony is a queer-straight alliance youth chorus.

Greater Seattle Business Association College Scholarships (GSBA) – Applications are generally available from early October through early January. Apply for both GSBA and Pride Foundation scholarships with just one application. GSBA scholarships include a commitment of funding through graduation for scholarship recipients.

Pride Foundation College Scholarships – Applications are generally available from early October through early January.