Wraparound With Intensive Services (WISe)

Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe) provides intensive mental health services in a wraparound team structure for children and youth involved in more than one system. It’s available to Medicaid eligible children/youth from birth to age 21.

Program Features

The Focus of WISe

  • Provide intensive mental health services to assist youth and families in achieving wellness, safety, and relationships within their community
  • Develop a single plan, based on strengths and needs. The plan is guided and driven by the youth and family using a team. Team members include natural supports and professionals who work with the family
  • Provide supports to the family and youth in locations and at times that work best for the youth and family
  • Provide access to crisis services any time of the day, 365 days a year

How WISe Works

THS provides Wraparound services in accordance with the National Wraparound Initiative and the Ten Principles of the Wraparound process. THS Wraparound staff meets with participants and designated family members to identify strengths, assess needs covering all the life domains, create mutual goals, and develop an initial crisis plan.

A Wraparound Team is comprised of significant individuals involved in the participant’s life. Team members include natural supports (family, friends, religious leaders) and the professionals who work with your family (counselors, nurses/doctors, schools, CPS and probation officers).

This team becomes the driving force for creating an individualized care plan covering different parts of the individual’s life. They establish objectives that are directly related to team goals and priorities. The team empowers participants to access a range of resources including supports to meet needs determined by the team.

Your team works with you to develop an individualized care plan based on strengths and needs, that respects your family culture, values, norms and preferences.

Your youth/young adult and family guide drive the plan, utilizing professional team members, as needed.

Benefits of WISe

  • Care is customized to meet the needs of the individual youth/young adult, the needs and circumstances of your family and the specifics of the current crisis plan.
  • Keeps youth/young adults and families together and develops family communication and interaction skills.
  • Instills hope and strengthens connections between the youth/young adult, their parents and their siblings.

Who Can Receive WISe?

WISe is designed to provide comprehensive behavioral health services and supports to Medicaid-eligible individuals who are up to 21 years of age with complex behavioral health needs and their families.

Referring to WISe

You can refer a youth/young adult for a WISe screen at any time. Parents can initiate treatment, but after age 13, a child must consent to services. You should consider referring your youth/young adult for a WISe screen if he/she is:

  • In Special Education and/or has a 504 Plan with multiple school suspensions for mental health and/or behavioral issues
  • Involved in multiple systems (i.e. mental health, child welfare (CPS), juvenile justice, developmental disabilities services, and/or substance use disorder treatment) and the systems(s) are struggling to support your child together.
  • Experiencing hard to understand behaviors that are challenging to you, other caregivers or other therapists/clinicians, and traditional services alone are not helping
father and son sitting on a log talking

When You Should Look to WISe

  • You’re a frequent user of the crisis line or emergency rooms due to your child’s mental health
  • Your child is experiencing challenging, hard to understand behaviors, and traditional services are not helping
  • Your child is displaying an elevated risk of harm to themselves or others
  • You’re in need of a more intensive and individualized approach for your child
  • You’re in need of a more flexible and engaging approach for your child
  • Your child is involved in more than one service system, and the system(s) are struggling with supporting the youth in a coordinated way
  • Your child is in Special Education and/or has a 504 Plan, with multiple school suspensions for mental health and/or behavioral issues

The WISe program helped my child so much. The way the program creates a team of caring adults to surround and support was so powerful for everyone involved. There is a lot more understanding in our family now and my child is doing so much better.
