Learn from Kathi and Michelle about different tips and tricks for teaching kids from home while staying well. Covid-19 has put a lot of pressure on families to continue their child’s education and Kathi and Michelle have some ideas for making this time effective and healthy for the whole family. Additional resources are below.
Videos on Home schooling and working from home
Teaching At Home during COVID-19 Online-Resources
For teachers and students, remote learning during COVID-19 poses challenges, stokes creativity
Teaching Kids at Home during Coronavirus: Pro Tips from Homeschoolers
101 free resources for home-schooling during COVID crisis
Family resource hotline-EPIC
Amazing Educational Resources Public Website
Teacher approved apps for children
Khan Academy offers free educational lessons-does asks for donations if applicable
Working From Home with Children during COVID-19
Coronavirus Triple Duty: Working, Parenting, And Teaching From Home
Resources for Helping Kids and Parents Cope Amidst COVID-19
Teaching kids at home due to coronavirus? Homeschooling moms share their tips
How to keep your child safe online while stuck at home during the COVID-19 outbreak
COVID-19: your voices against stigma and discrimination (extension of the your child is safe online, article)
Help children aged 2 to 4 to learn at home during coronavirus (COVID-19)
Keep Children Learning While School’s Out
Splashlearn.com free math games
Hungry little Minds
Homeschooling: Tips on teaching your kids