Peer Life Coach Program

Everything starts with a conversation – you talk, our Peer Life Coaches listen. Once your Peer Life Coach gets a sense of where you are at, they work with you to create a plan. That plan focuses on your strengths (yes, you have them) and comes up with real life steps you can take to achieve your goals while stabilizing your housing.

If you live in King County, are 18-24 years of age and literally homeless (sleeping on the street or in a shelter) or are unstably housed (couch surfing, temporarily staying with a relative or friend or sleeping in a car), we can help you.

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What Does A Peer Life Coach Do?

The Peer Life Coach actively helps you to work your plan and assists with navigating through the anxiety and other emotional issues you might have. Your coach can also get you connected with professionals who can provide any additional help you might need. Your Peer Life Coach remains by your side for on-going support, suggestions, and encouragement, ensuring you reach your full potential.

Our Peer Life Coach team have also been trained to help clients connect mental health counseling and substance use treatment if they are in need.

Why A Peer Life Coach?

Our Peer Life Coaches get you.

Why? Because they have been where you are: similar life experiences, struggles, challenges, and goals. With lived experience in common, our Peer Life Coaches interact with you from a place of respect, treating you as a real person, not a number or a theory.

A Peer Life Coach provides you the support you need without judgement or assumptions.

Am I Eligible?

If you live in King County, are 18-24 years of age and literally homeless (sleeping on the street or in a shelter) or are unstably housed (couch surfing, temporarily staying with a relative or friend or sleeping in a car), we can help you.

Peer support helps empower young, homeless adults, with whatever it is they may need, on their time, wherever they are in their journey, to regain stability and tackle their goals.


Through sharing our common experiences and feelings, we provide support and help young adults gain strength, clarity, and hope.
