We need your help to raise $10,000 in the next 2 months

Every so often we have a program that needs “a little help” – additional funding that allows us to serve more people in need or to enhance services so existing participants can be more successful. In order to provide extra help for the ROYAL program, THS has started its first ever crowdfunding campaign to provide extra summer programming for local youth in need. Our goal is to raise $10,000 over the next two months.

Your donation will allow us to provide essential summer programming for youth in the R.O.Y.A.L. Program

African American youth make up 9% of the youth population in King County but 40% of the population of incarcerated youth. R.O.Y.A.L was designed to break this pattern of disproportionality and reduce recidivism.

R.O.Y.A.L.’s approach is simple:

S is for Services: Counseling, community referrals, intensive case management

O is for Opportunities: Internships, special events, leadership development, job fairs

S is for Support: Job coaching, mentoring, family engagement, community support


Visit https://fundly.com/support-raising-our-youth-as-leaders to join the campaign and support local youth.