The First Step to Recovery at THS starts with an assessment, a private consultation with one of our counselors talking about the issues the new patient is facing. Here our staff can figure out exactly what issues someone is coping with. Whether it’s heroin or opioid abuse, mental health issues, or trouble with other substances, our team is standing by to help anyone take their First Step to Recovery. Watch the video above or read below to learn more.
Learning How We Can Help
Recognizing you should seek treatment is hard and our team at Therapeutic Health Services understands that. We want to make it easy to get care and start recovery. For each of our patients, whether they are seeking substance use treatment or mental health care, the first step to recovery starts with an assessment.
Prospective patients have a private conversation with one of our counselors, explaining what troubles they’re facing and what they need help with. If substance use is a concern, the counselor will ask questions about the patient’s history of substance use, how much they use and how often. They will also ask about how substance use is impacting the rest of the patient’s life.
If the patient is seeking mental health services, they may be asked about how they’re feeling, what’s troubling them and if they have concerns about anxiety, anger, depression or other mental health issues. They will be asked other questions about their support system, their life experiences and how their mental health issues are impacting their ability to function. Our goal to make sure we know where they’re coming from so we can address their unique needs
If the patient is entering our Opioid Use Treatment program, they’ll have an appointment with one of our healthcare providers who will determine what kind of medication and dose amount will be right for the patient. These medications may include methadone or Buprenorphine, otherwise known as Suboxone®.
These questions and our intake process are important to helping our team get a good idea of who the patient is and how THS can help. We can then assign the patient to a counselor who will take them through to the next step of recovery.
Our goal at Therapeutic Health Services is to help each of our patients take their first step toward recovery, getting started right for a journey of healing and wellness.